Booking Process
Contact us if you have any initial questions we can help with.
Let us know which property you are interested in, how many bedrooms you need and what your dates are.
We will then confirm availability and the rate.
If you wish to proceed we will send you our Booking Form which will outline deposit and cancellation policy. You can complete and return via email.
When you have returned this form to us and the deposit has been charged, you will receive email confirmation of the booking.
When balance of payment is due, we will send you a reminder and request permission to proceed with the balance of payment charge.

AIRLINES - Wondering if you can get here easily?
British Airways - Flies to Grenada Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays
Virgin Atlantic - Flies to Grenada Fridays, Tuesdays and Saturdays.
JetBlue provides direct, daily flights from New York and once weekly (Saturday) from Boston
American Airlines provides daily direct flights from Miami & in once weekly service from Charlotte, NC on Saturdays.
Condor flies from Frankfurt every Sunday from November through April.
Air Canada operates onces weekly on Saturdays from Toronto to Grenada.
Caribbean Airlines also operates regularly scheduled flights via its Trinidad hub offering connecting flights to the island.
Carriacou's Lauriston Airport continues to be serviced by daily flights from Grenada and St. Vincent with SVG Air.